Archived Interviews – 4
This page features archived interviews from past “Revenge of the 80s” shows, along with some special content.
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05/07/10 Interview with Paul Collins of The Beat:
04/30/10 Our second interview with Annabella Lwin:
04/09/10 Interview with Martha Davis on her new children’s album: Red Frog Presents…:
03/05/10 Interview with Kate Garner of Haysi Fantayzee:
02/19/10 Interview with Mary Buffett on her music career and Moby Dick Records:
01/15/10 Interview with Rikki St. James (Lorraine Peluso) on the story behind her hit single with Ron Rogers “Yaya:”
11/20/09 Interview with Dave Wakeling
10/9/09 Conversation with Louise Robey (2nd) on her Chiller Theater appearance, upcoming anthology and the release of the 3rd season of Friday the 13th – the Series.
SPECIAL CONTENT: Adriana Kaegi with me as host on the Money Matters radio show (Business Talk Radio Network) 8/27/09 about Dear Addy Productions: