The “Revenge of the 80s” Radio Show is hosted by Chris Cordani. The mission is to bring back classic music from the 1980s to its fans, who are greatly underserved by the genericness of today’s mainstream radio.

Chris remembers when radio was still cutting edge and ahead of the curve when it came to new music. It is an element that is sadly missing in the industry today — until now.
The next purpose of this site is to highlight information on what some of our favorite band members from the New Wave are doing today, including tour information, new projects and interviews on the show. We will also direct you to where to find great 80s music, movies, clothes and more.
Chris will be happy to take requests as well. If you want to hear a song on “Revenge of the 80s Radio,” e-mail to radio@revengeofthe80sradio.com.
The first show aired March 14, 2008.
Debbie and David On February 22, 2011 at 2:11 am
G,day we love your show we never miss it on Radio80s, i listen to you when im driving the school bus from Korumburra to Leongatha, Just seening if you can do a special on Australin music or now an then play an 80s song then play a 2000 version. Keep up the great job and keep on thoses 80s traxs.
From Debbie and David
admin On March 2, 2011 at 5:42 am
Thank you for the kind words, Debbie and David.
I will have an all-Australian/New Zealand hour again on the show very soon.
Please keep enjoying the show and I am glad you enjoy listening on the bus
Keep watching our blog and our Facebook page for more info as to when I will do my next all Australila/New Zealand hour.
Robin Lane On December 11, 2011 at 10:43 am
Chris…I need to ask you something and I do not seem to have an email address for you and that may be because I have changed emails since we last spoke? dont’ know. Oh I know. I think we are FB friends. I’ll message you there too.