Second Season of “Friday the 13th — The Series” Is Out on DVD
Written by admin on February 10, 2009

Season 2 of the syndicated Friday the 13th – The Series TV show is now released on DVD. While the show was canceled in 1990 after only three seasons, it had a good-sized cult following in the late 80s.
Friday the 13th — The Series starred John D. LeMay and Louise Robey as the main characters: Ryan Dallion and Micki Foster (with Johnny Ventura taking over for LeMay in the third season). [amazonify]B001LM64U6[/amazonify] The idea is that Dallion and Foster would hunt down items and artifacts that caused pain and death to their owners an others via paranormal means. Chris Wiggins played Jack, a family friend of theirs (the Dallion and Foster were cousins), who guided the two on their missions. There was no sign of the “Jason,” the killer in most of the “Friday the 13th” moves; LeMay appeared in 1993’s “Jason Goes to Hell – The Final Friday” film.
[amazonify]B000001RPK:right[/amazonify]While LeMay had a career in the movie industry, Robey was better known for her music: she scored a Billboard Top 100 hit with her cover of “One Night in Bangkok” that also reached the Top Ten on the Dance Charts. Before releasing her album (also titled One Night in Bangkok), she fronted the band “Louise and the Creeps.” Currently, Robey is working on a new album. The Bangkok album has a number of solid tracks, including her “Bored and Beautiful” and an excellent cover of “Tighter, Tighter.”
There is no information at this time on the release date for the series’ third season.